I Ching
I Ching comes from ancient China and is theoldest of the world’s oracles. It wasdeveloped in the twelfth (12) century B.C. by the Duke of Chou, King When and his son and added to by Confucius as well as many others over the years. The IChing was considered sacred. Consulted only by the highest of Rulers and Military officers of the Chinese Empire. Those acknowledged as superior such as eminent scholars, philosophers and intellectuals devoted to contemplating the eternal were also allowed. Consultation was never allowed by the common people. I Ching is still one of the most studied and respected oracles today.
Tarot By Tracey has developed our own I Ching set, now available in our Practitioner’s Corner or online at www.tarotbytracey.com. It includes three (3) I Ching coins and a booklet with detailed instructions on how to utilize this unique translation tool. This product is a great one to learn and utilize everyday, or give the gift of
$22.00 - ORDER NOW
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