Astrology / Tarot Card / Numerology / Runic Letter / Holidays

Leo: July 23 - August 22




Dashing, debonair, generous, and risk taker are some words which define a lofty Leo. Ruled by the Sun, the elegant Leo can be totally at home in the role of a leader. A Leo loves to care for others and loves getting and giving the best of everything. Leos need to be careful with their backs. They want to be in charge of things, but must take care not to overdue the physical side of leadership. Leo is a fire sign, so you can pretty well count on "fireworks" when performing their very best. A Leo is usually refined and aware that there is a need to step back a bit so as not to let their ego outshine the luminous vibrance of the majestic presence which can be theirs naturally.




The month of August is named after the first emperor of Rome. Augustus Caesar (63 BC to 14 AD). Augustus means noble or venerated. Augustus Caesar brought much culture to Rome. He built libraries and schools, patronized the arts and enacted just laws. That period called the Augustus age of literature. In August, under the number eight, we reap what we have sown. Our seeds have reached full maturity and we can see the tangible results of our efforts. But eight brings responsibility we know we have more work to do. Universal meaning eight is the number of material success and worldly involvement. This is the number, struggle, tenacity, and materialism. Eight's are either great successes or great failures, they have no shades of gray and their failures can be just as spectacular as their successes. They are ardent, zealous, and have the ability to see matters in broad terms. These qualities give them the ambition and drive to aim for material goals, which they often achieve. They are wise, adaptable, tenacious, and exceptionally tough characters.


Tarot Card:

belshazzar-king of wands

King of Wands

Belshazzar represents the time of Leo, which is July 23 to August 22. Leo's are self-starters and very ardent. They can also be leaders and like to take control. Upright the one word for this card is honesty. This card can represent honesty in any situation. As a person Belshazzar is a true gentleman. He is kind, understanding, and devoted. This King is also very conventional and old fashioned. He is very health conscious. Physically Belshazzar is about 5'7" to 5'11". He is usually of medium build with brown to auburn hair and brown to hazel eyes. If he shows up in a health reading, he can represent a psychologist or therapist.

Runic Letter:


Runic Name: Wunjo, Wunna
Runic Equivalent: Pasture
English Name: Bliss
Tree Association: Aslt
Color Association: Yellow
Astrological Association: Leo
Deity: Elves - bringing happiness, comfort, and security.



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