Astrology / Tarot Card / Numerology / Runic Letter / Holidays





Libra as an air sign has strong intellectual attributes. Libra is the premier relationship sign. Marriage and other close personal relationships are extremely important to them. Their intellectual nature is usually expressed as a strong interest in people and human psychology. They can possess highly developed diplomatic skills. They dislike conflict and seek harmony in their relationships with others. They are often peacemakers and aim to please. However, Librans also have a strong sense of justice and fair play. When their sense of justice is sufficiently offended they can battle fiercely in defense of the principles that they consider to be right. Less evolved Librans will go along with the crowd to be popular and accepted. Librans are often drawn to careers in law, diplomacy, psychology, public relations, art, and entertainment.



October is from the Latin Octo, meaning eight. It was originally the eighth month in the Roman calendar. It is presently the tenth month in the Gregorian calendar. It the tenth month a full cycle is completed. (10=1+0=1). October is the month depicting the increasing cyclicity of life. October brings the first real frost. October is the month of awareness; we take note of the transitional process. In cosmic terms will our present attitudes and actions create for our next lifetime, negative circumstances to overcome a trick or positive tools with which to work a treat? Tens have the talent for influencing and bringing people together and you are a power person who has a special spiritual mission in the world. You are a clear thinker. Leadership positions are opened to you because of your obvious control and mastery. Tens are lucky and successful


Tarot Card:

Ester - Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Esther corresponds with the astrological sign of Libra representing the time of Sept 23rd- Oct 22nd. Upright she represents independence. She is independent in thought, work as well as all aspects of her life. She is career and education minded. She can be single or divorced if this woman is married it will not be a suffocating relationship. (It will be one of mutual respect and equality.) She is bright, logical, ambitious and driven. She is usually short 4”- 5’4” also usually thin. This Queen if reversed can have a temper and always keep in mind she will usually win the battle.

Runic Letter:


Runic Name: Tiwaz, Tir
Runic Equivalent: The God Tyr
English Name: Sky God
Tree Association: Oak
Color Association: Bright Red
Astrological Association: Libra
Deity: Mani. Unbiased Wisdom, Justice, Law and Order.


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