Astrology / Tarot Card / Numerology / Runic Letter / Holidays

Gemini: May 21 - June 20




Flexible, adaptable, and changeable describes a Gemini. As a result, Gemini's in their love life can present a challenge or two because of the inborn need for variety. Some Gemini's can lose interest rapidly. Variety is the spice of life and routine can bore a fast thinking Gemini. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, these individuals tend to be curious and quick-witted. They need to be surrounded by opportunities for variety. They love to travel and read to gather new experiences. Learning and writing can also be of interest. In order to keep these active minds stimulated, any area which requires a constant pursuit of knowledge could appeal to a Gemini.




Universal meaning: The Human Soul. Six is the symbol of union between fire and water --- the number of ambivalence and effort. A perfect number because it equals the sum of its divisors (1+2+3=6) and is invisible by adding a 3 (odd) and a 2 (even) thus harmoniously combining the elements of each. The number of the days of creation and therefore symbolic of cessation of effort. The number of love, and marriage, and domestic happiness. A hermaphroditic number. Symbols: Venus, Diana, Janus, the heart. Sign: a double triangle or circle divided into six, representing the unity of spirit and body and harmony between man and God. Sixes outlook on life are romantically inclined and lean to the ideal in matters of the heart. Their outlook on life is very Venusian because they love their homes and beautiful objects around them. They can also derive much pleasure from art, music, and poetry. They are imaginative and creative, have an excellent color sense and are all best when involved in some from of artistic expression. Everything for a six must be balanced and harmonious.


Tarot Card:

knight of Swords

Saul represents the time of Gemini, which is May 22nd to June 21st. Gemini's are the most intelligent of the zodiac, they have dual aspects. Saul in an upright position represents a change or movement that is reliable and trustworthy. However, these changes and movements are quick and direct, they are well thought out. Saul carries a day planner, and is very organized, dependable, extremely focused, precise, and intelligent. He is very direct, quick witted, and he really stands for something. Physically, Saul is usually thin and tall, 5'6" to 6'0" in height, oval to oval long face with sharp features, dark hair and light eyes.

Runic Letter:


Runic Name: Eoh, Ehwaz
Runic Equivalent: War-horse
English Name: Horse, Stallion, Steed
Tree Association: Oak, Ash
Color Association: White
Astrological Association: Gemini
Deity: Freyja/Freyr - trust,
            self-transformation, new attitude, new goals, progress.


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