Astrology / Tarot Card / Numerology / Runic Letter / Holidays

Taurus: April 20 - May 20




The "white picket fence" dream fits with the picture that best describes what a Taurus needs in order to feel at peace with life. No matter what income bracket these solid earth signs live in, they cherish possessions of all kinds. Throwing "treasures" away can cause much emotional trauma. So, if it is time to shed some items, go slow and be patient. Life's little luxuries are important to these down to earth types. Taureans tend to be faithful and loving. They will be happiest in a job which is safe and secure. A place to call home with a family to come home to seems to fit the bill!



The number of chance, considered by some to be the most holy or propitious and by others as uncertain, discouraging, and hazardous. The five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). The pentagram man - has two arms, two legs, and a head and can so be likened to a five-pointed star. The four cardinal points plus the center. Fives are adventurers who long to try anything which is new and exciting. They have many talents and are clever, original, resilient, creative people. They are secretly afraid of failure but must be careful not to communicate their fears to others. Fives are industrious and both physically and mentally alert. At times they may appear critical but this only reflects their own inner struggle for perfection and success. Fives are sensual, earthy people. They possess great elasticity and character and never remain down for long. They can bounce back quickly. They are born gamblers and always ready to take chances. Negative fives are conceited, sarcastic, lustful, unstable, restless and nervous.



Tarot Card:

King of Pentacles

Jethro corresponds to the astrological time of Taurus. He can easily own and run his own business because of his ability to see both the big picture and tend to fine details at the same time. Because of this he has achieved mastery of all traits that have to do with stability, structure, wealth, and comfort. Jethro is reliable, dependable, self disciplined, and learned. He knows how to apply his knowledge and money and this is due to his dedication and application of his ethics. Physically Jethro is an older, more mature man with dark hair and eyes. He is of a solid build, shorter, square shouldered and stocky. He is a more swarthy/ethnic in appearance.



Runic Letter:


Runic Name: Ur, Uruz
Runic Equivalent: Rain, Drizzle
English Name: Ox
Tree Association: Birch
Color Association: Dark Green
Astrological Association: Taurus
Deity: Vanir - powers of manifestation, for advancement and happiness.



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